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Prepaid incentives. Plus, how best to use Slack.

By Kate Monica|4 min read|Updated Apr 28, 2023

A newspaper and a cup of coffee with the Tremendous logo on it.

We’ve spent a lot of time researching how incentives work across sectors, industries, and roles. How they can yield higher-quality survey responses, increase employee satisfaction, or help sales people book more demos.

Recently, we dove into how incentives can improve patient satisfaction survey response rates in healthcare.

We uncovered which kinds of surveys and incentives are most effective. And we realized these insights aren’t just helpful for healthcare providers. These tips can help anyone in any industry or function increase survey responses.

What we learned from the healthcare sector

  • A little goes a long way: a $10 incentive can increase survey response rates by up to 20%.

  • Surveys that are returned quickly are more likely to include positive sentiments than surveys that are returned weeks after an encounter.

  • Shorter, simpler surveys have higher response rates than longer, more complex surveys.

  • Prepaid incentives are the most effective at boosting survey response rates

When in doubt: send short, simple, digital surveys along with a small prepaid incentive.

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⚡️Zapier Integration now in beta! Customers can save time by automating their Tremendous payments from apps like Hubspot, Salesforce, Google Spreadsheets, Airtable, Slack, and many more.

Are you a current Tremendous customer and interested in trying our Zapier integration?

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On the left, text reads: "How to improve patient satisfaction surveys." On the right is an image of a clipboard.

Improve survey response rates by up to 20%. Namely, by including a small prepaid incentive with a survey that is both short and digital. Ten dollars cash will yield the highest survey response rates. Sending it over as an email is probably easiest.

On the left, text reads: "Slack hygiene at a fully-remote company." On the right is the Slack logo, surrounded by suds.

Be a better Slacker. We developed a rulebook based off Zapier’s guide to Slack etiquette that helps us keep instant messaging organized and targeted. And we posted it publicly so other companies can clean up the crowded aisles of their internal comms tools, too.

Text reads: "A complete intro guide to patient satisfaction surveys." Beside the text is a typical cartoon pain meter used in hospital settings.

Patient satisfaction surveys impact your bottom line. High patient satisfaction scores can increase reimbursement under the value based care system. We’ll give you a complete breakdown of why patient satisfaction surveys matter in this blog post.

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Published April 24, 2023

Updated April 28, 2023

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